Wordless on the Shore

Triin Paja

seashells break into broken nailson the shorewhere a village drunk sitsby the water’ssalt-crocheted edge.there was a time whenI played with his daughter.she liked the sweet taste of beer.we had lived for a decade.the father read and read untilhis pain grew tenderlike a boy’s nettle-blistered anklesrunning in a field.then the village library was closedand he drank until his housewas an empty jam jar,until his windowwas only the wide mouthof water, until his daughter grew thinlike tea sedimentthen disappeared entirely.he drinks. shadows, arboreal and human,run towards him like horses.he is more horse than horsemanbut once, his palms curved into psalmshumming safety.he was a boy once, nothing wormedin the polished fruitof his flesh.a crow lifts from the shore.the crow’s cawing charsthe air, rousing him.neither knows beauty that is not violent.

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Triin Paja is the author of three collections of poetry in Estonian and a recipient of the Betti Alver Literary Award, the Juhan Liiv Poetry Prize, and the Värske Rõhk Poetry Award. Her English poetry has received a Pushcart Prize and has appeared or is appearing in Black Warrior Review, The Cincinnati Review, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere. Her poetry has been translated into Czech, Finnish, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Slovenian.


Columbus, Ohio

The Ohio State University

Faculty Advisory Editors
Kathy Fagan
Michelle Herman

Managing Editor
Hannah Smith

Poetry Editor
Amanda Scharf

The award-winning literary journal of The Ohio State University, The Journal contributes significantly toward the literary landscape of Ohio and the nation. The Journal seeks to identify and encourage emerging writers while also attracting the work of established writers to create a diverse and compelling magazine. The Journal has recently had poems reproduced in the Best American Poetry and Pushcart Prize anthologies.

The Journal, originally titled The Ohio Journal, was founded in 1973 by William Allen of the English Department at The Ohio State University, and has been published continuously ever since. David Citino served as Editor from 1985 to 1990 and was a contributing editor until his death in 2005. Michelle Herman and Kathy Fagan became Fiction Editor and Poetry Editor, respectively, in 1990 and currently serve as Advisory Editors. The graduate staff has maintained The Journal’s commitment to publishing the best work by new and emerging writers around Ohio and the nation, including writing not easily classified by genre, excerpts from novels, longer stories, and other daring or wholly original pieces.

Over the course of its forty-year history, The Journal has published prominent writers such as Carl Phillips, Mary Jo Bang, John D’Agata, Denise Duhamel, Michael Martone, Terrance Hayes, Lia Purpura, Ander Monson, Brenda Hillman, D.A. Powell, Linda Bierds, Donald Ray Pollack, Maggie Smith, and Jericho Brown. The Journal is published four times annually: one print issue and three online issues.

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